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We've been creating custom portraiture of individuals, couples, children and families for over 25 years. This extensive experience enables us to create high quality, personalized images of our clients with an enthusiasm and artistic flair that separates us from the competition. Our clients have fun at the sessions, and we do too!

A custom portrait is just that--individualized imagery that is tailored to clients using their input and personal preferences as a guide. We do everything possible to see that you have a pleasant experience with us and that we create wonderful visual memories that you will value and love for a lifetime. We start the process with an interview, preferably in person at our offices but by phone if necessary. During this interview we will discuss the reason for creating the portrait, subjects to be photographed, where we will create the images, clothing and other design choices, and how the final images will be displayed. We'll also schedule the portrait session along with a projection time (usually a week to 10 days after the portrait) for you to review the images. The portrait session fee, determined by the session chosen, is due when you schedule the session.

We like to get as much input from you as possible at this time so we can develop a clear vision of your expectations and what you are looking for. If the portrait will take place at your home we will need to do a site check some time prior to the day of the portrait. This allows us to check lighting availability, assess background choices and review where you may be displaying the portraits.

We generally spend between 1 hour and 4 hours at the session, depending on which you choose. We create a collection of images, whenever possible in different locations and/or using different backgrounds, and do not limit the number of groups or poses we take (within the limitations of the chosen session). If you have any special requests we always try to accommodate you.

The projection appointment usually takes between one and two hours, depending on the complexity of the portrait and the number of people at the projection. (The more people at the projection, the longer it will take to make a decision.) Once you have narrowed your image choices to 10 or 20 favorites, if needed we can post them to the Web (at no extra charge) for 3 days so other family members can choose their favorites too. These images will be low quality, reference images only, and it may be difficult to see facial expressions on a large family group, or a pose with a large amount of scenery in addition to the subjects. All main decision-makers should therefore come to the projection where the full resolution images will be shown. We do not offer paper proofs of our custom portraits.

We've stayed current with the technological innovations sweeping our industry--in fact we've wholeheartedly embraced the many improvements and opportunities these changes are enabling. We integrated professional grade digital capture into all of our portrait categories (wedding, high school senior, family portraits, and sports) over two years ago and the results and feedback from our clients has been fantastic. We're excited as never before about the variety of products we can offer our clients. If you have any questions about this new technology please feel free to ask us about it.

For pricing information please call us at the number below and we can either email you a PDF or mail you a copy.

All Content Copyright Moon Valley Studio
(707) 938-5424spacer info@moonvalleystudio.com